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Safety Signs

Preventing Workplace Accidents by Prioritising Floor Safety Solutions

In the following guide, SafetyBuyer explains how investing in good flooring and workplace safety can help employers to avoid these costs, and ultimately see a vital return on investment (ROI). Doing so is a win-win for both employers and the people who occupy their workplaces.

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How Can Floor Markings Improve Safety?

Statistics from the UK's Health and Safety Executive (HSE) show that slips, trips and falls are among the most common workplace accidents. The injuries that can result from these accidents range from minor to severe, and this is especially frustrating because businesses can minimise the risk of this type of incident by following suitable health and safety protocols.

Trips can often be prevented through the use of floor markings, and in fact, are not the only type of accident that can be avoided in this way. Collisions between pedestrians and vehicle traffic are among the most common accidents that result in fatalities in the UK, but employers can significantly reduce the risk of an incident using floor tape to demarcate safe areas and pedestrian walkways.

In some industries, floor marking tape is a legal requirement, while in others it is simply best practice to use it. Here, the workplace safety experts at SafetyBuyer explain how floor marking tapes reduce the risk of accidents, and how you can use them to avoid some of the most common incidents and injuries.

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The Essential Guide to Anti-Slip Stair Nosing

Stair safety is a topic that often gets overlooked, yet it is vital for preventing avoidable accidents in both public and private spaces. One important element that can dramatically improve the safety of stairs is anti-slip stair nosing.

Here, SafetyBuyer provides a comprehensive guide to anti-slip stair nosing, walking you through its basics, its numerous benefits and the different types and products available.

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Fire Extinguisher Regulations in the Workplace

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRO) rules that appropriate fire-fighting equipment, including portable fire extinguishers, must be provided where there is any risk of fire. This law governs all fire safety regulations in England and Wales for non-domestic premises.

According to the RRO, business managers and owners who have been designated as responsible persons (RP) are in charge of creating and maintaining a fire management plan and conducting a fire safety risk assessment. Below, the experts in workplace fire safety at SafetyBuyer outline the fire extinguisher regulations in the workplace.

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BBC One: ‘DIY SOS’ Call for help, SafetyBuyer Answers

This year, SafetyBuyer had the pleasure of helping Getaway Girls, a non-profit organisation whose mission is to empower young women in Leeds. Their valuable and persistent efforts in supporting young women eventually led to a need to expand their headquarters, a project that attracted support from the BBC One series ‘DIY SOS: The Big Build’.

With our experience in ensuring smooth and safe construction builds, we were delighted to be called on by the programme to support Getaway Girls with the project. SafetyBuyer was proud to donate industry-leading first aid stations that were used as part of the life-changing transformation of the Getaway Girls’ new charity headquarters.

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Are Wet Floor Signs Required by Law?

For businesses in many industries, the workplace may involve working with liquids and is an unavoidable part of the daily operations and activities. Furthermore, the majority of organisations have safeguarding measures in place to maintain safe working conditions throughout the premises, which means cleaning surfaces and ensuring that any hazards in the form of spills are dealt with..

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Do You Know Your Construction Site Health and Safety Signs?

Construction site health and safety signs are a legal requirement to maintain the health and safety of employees. Each sign has a different meaning and can tell employees not to enter an area, warn them of possible dangers, or let them know of a mandatory requirement. Employers and employees must understand these signs, to minimise risk and prevent workplace accidents.

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The Most Common Safety Signs and Their Meanings

As an employer, you must understand safety signs and their meanings so that you can appropriately use the correct safety signs in the workplace. Safety signs come in four distinct colours, and each indicates a different warning or precaution. 

Blue safety signs are mandatory signs that explain a specific action. Yellow safety signs are warning or caution signs. Red safety signs usually indicate danger or prohibition of a certain substance or act. Green signs are not designed to highlight danger, and instead indicate helpful information and safe points, such as fire exits or first aid points. 

Using the correct safety sign as an employer is a legal requirement, and it is therefore essential to understand safety signs and their meanings in order to ensure your workplace is kept safe.

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Safety Signs
Safety Signs
First Aid
First Aid
PPE & Workwear
PPE & Workwear
Fire Safety
Fire Safety
COSHH & Spill Control
COSHH & Spill Control
Floor Safety
Floor Safety
Pedestrian & Traffic
Pedestrian & Traffic
Custom Site Boards
Custom Site Boards