ComfortTread Interlocking Anti-Fatigue Nitrile Matting | 92cm x 92cm
Modular anti-fatigue matting system, designed to provide outstanding ergonomic comfort and safety in heavy-duty or dry / wet industrial areas
- Choose from Solid Top or Open Top mats with a choice of black or yellow bevel edges to create your required layout
- Manufactured from highest quality 19mm thick, 100% Nitrile rubber compounds and is resistant to extreme temperatures, oils, coolants and most chemicals
- All mats can be interlocked and edged using a simple bevel system to create any size or shape
- Adding the bevel edges help create the ramped edge, reducing the risk of trip hazards and allows easy trolley access
- Quick and easy installation due to their unique interlocking join with male and female edges and bevels, provide secure connectivity
- Suitable for use both indoors and outside, wet and dry environments
- Perfect for oily, greasy, welding and manufacturing areas. Also ideal for kitchens and catering facilities
- See data sheets for more information on our ComfortTread Open Top and Solid Top Interlocking Matting
Don't hesitate to call us on 0800 043 0161 or drop us an email to if you require a quote or need some help with working out your layout or plan