Firechief Lith-Ex Battery Fire Suppression Kits
Perfect solution for the effective control and suppression of Lithium-Ion Battery Fires
- Convenient solution all wrapped up in a highly visible portable bag
- Each Kit contains everything needed for the safe suppression and removal of extinguished Lithium-Ion devices including:
- Fire Resistant Bag designed using technical fabrics to withstand temperatures in excess of 1000°C
- Lith-Ex Fire Extinguisher for use on lithium battery fires on batteries with a power rating up to 60Wh (500ml extinguisher), 50-150Wh (1 litre extinguisher), 100-250Wh (2 litre extinguisher), manufactured in accordance with BS 6165:2019 with 5 year guarantee
- Also includes safety gloves & safety glasses
- Kit provides the initial extinguisher to suppress the fire and the bag for the safe suppression and removal of the device
- Designed to tackle Lithium-ion battery fires in mobile phones, tablets and laptops
- Kit can be supplied without extinguisher (see below)
- Click here to download technical data sheet for further information
- Rolls up into an easy to carry, easy to store bag ready to take onto site!
4 Options to choose from:
500ml Lith-Ex Fire Extinguisher | Small Bag 405mm x 430mm Flat | 220mm x 405mm Rolled
1 Litre Lith-Ex Fire Extinguisher | Small Bag 405mm x 430mm Flat | 220mm x 405mm Rolled
1 Litre Lith-Ex Fire Extinguisher | Large Bag 690mm x 535mm Flat | 250mm x 535mm Rolled
2 Litre Lith-Ex Fire Extinguisher | Large Bag 690mm x 535mm Flat | 250mm x 535mm Rolled