Firechief PFA17 | 17kg PyroFlow Active Fire Suppression Granules
Mineral-based fire fighting agent for use on metal fires and Lithium-Ion batteries
- Can be used to fight and suppress fires in Lithium-ion battery cells and flammable metal
- Manufactured from expanded glass granulate, a highly effective extinguishing agent that instantly smothers problematic Li-Ion battery fires in seconds
- Effectively binds liquids and filters gases making them an ideal packaging media for storing or transporting damaged or recycled batteries which may leak electrolyte
- Granule size 0.25-0.5mm
- Granulate is 100% mineral based making it non-combustible
- In the event of a fire, simply pour the granules onto the flames or place the entire bag onto the visible flames to rapidly smother, cool and contain any blaze
- Click here to download technical datasheet for futher information