At SafetyBuyer, we're committed to raising awareness about workplace health and safety. We’d like to thank COBA for allowing us to share their insightful findings on the impact of prolonged standing at work. With the support of OnePoll, COBA surveyed 1,000 non-office workers standing for at least four hours daily to uncover the mental and physical health risks involved.
These findings highlight challenges faced in manufacturing, retail, hospitality, and healthcare, where workers frequently experience lower back, foot, and knee pain - issues that are often preventable with the right safety solutions.
By shedding light on these risks, we aim to help employers take proactive steps to protect their workforce's well-being.
Standing for hours is a daily reality for many workers. On the surface this might seem harmless, but our research has uncovered a number of risks, including:
Physical toll: standing for long hours on hard floors can lead to serious health issues like lower back pain (46%), foot pain (33%), and knee pain (29%).
Mental health impact: more than a third a third of workers report that standing has harmed their mental health.
Financial strain: workers say their health problems have cost them an average of £148 per year due to missed wages or spending on treatments and coping mechanisms.
Lost productivity: nearly half of surveyed workers have taken sick days in the past 12 months because of standing-related health issues. On average, they missed 2.4 days of work each, at a heavy cost to businesses.
Thankfully, the right support can significantly enhance workplace comfort and productivity. Anti-fatigue mats encourage subtle movements to reduce muscle fatigue and promote circulation, helping to reduce strain and discomfort during the working day. In fact, four out of five workers who had used anti-fatigue mats said they were helpful.
While not legally required, providing anti-fatigue mats demonstrates a commitment to employee wellbeing and aligns with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, which states:
“It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety, and welfare at work of all employees.”
Recognising that every workplace is unique, MatBrain™ assists in identifying the ideal matting solution for your specific needs. For added confidence, SafetyBuyer, in partnership with Coba offer site surveys to ensure you get the Right Mat, First Time™. Complete the form at the end of this article to request a site survey.
Connor explains that standing for extended periods forces our muscles to work continuously to maintain posture against gravity. Over time, this constant effort and limited movement can lead to muscle soreness and fatigue, as well as joint stiffness. Prolonged standing can also contribute to the development of musculoskeletal problems, or worsen existing issues.
Connor suggests reducing the impact of prolonged standing by taking regular breaks to move around. If that’s not possible, try simple exercises at your workstation, like gentle heel raises or squats, to give your body a change of position. He also recommends incorporating physical activity outside of work, whether it’s walking, going to the gym, or anything you enjoy, to get your body moving and strengthen your muscles.
Connor highlights the importance of employers prioritising the health and wellbeing of staff who spend long hours standing. This could involve introducing simple practices such as “exercise snacking” which are short, 20 – 30 second exercises to break up prolonged standing. Employers might also consider carrying out ergonomic assessments of the workplace or investing in equipment like anti-fatigue mats, designed to reduce the strain of standing for extended periods.
Standing for prolonged periods can lead to muscle soreness and tightness, as well as joint stiffness. Anti-fatigue mats are designed to mitigate these effects by promoting subtle movements to reduce the strain of maintaining a static, standing posture.
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